(Where "pop up" means fasten on top of his helmet?) I think the "360 [degrees] camera" he's using means something like what the "backup" (actually all-round) cameras of expensive cars are nowadays: Cameras filming all around him, combining that for the surroundings, panning (in software) to a different perspective in front of or behind where he actually is, then interpolating his body (harder to do that with a car body, not sure on this) into the end result. That's why he isn't shaky at all, as he'd be if he were filmed by someone else: The filming is done from his point of view. N.B: He isn't shaky, but there are some shimmering edges to his legs (e.g, around 1:40). Image processing artifacts from putting him into the environment, and processing the top-down view of him into a frontal one, would be my guess.
TL,DR: I think he's filming himself, from on top of his head.
ETA: Not as much of a hotshot as he likes to make himself look on film. Did he bump into that motorbike at ~5:55? Clearly a bit edited out.
TL,DR: I think he's filming himself, from on top of his head.
ETA: Not as much of a hotshot as he likes to make himself look on film. Did he bump into that motorbike at ~5:55? Clearly a bit edited out.