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New Maintainability is everything
I have been going with that mindset for a while now. The paper does indeed resonate.

Unfortunately, it does not resonate with everyone so eternal vigilance is needed :-(
New Will second that.
I have two colleagues who tend to let complexity win over readability. My challenge, being the most code monkey in the team, is to catch it earlier rather than later. I'm not as successful as I want to be. I was tracing through some code to analyze whether it was making a faulty call and came across a few functions that seemed to be doing weird things and I could not see why. *sigh* Clearly they haven't learnt how to leave notes when they do something like that...

     A very thoughtful, high-minded paper on doing software development more gooder - (malraux) - (5)
         a lot of KISS in there, good article -NT - (boxley)
         Excellent. Passed on. Thanks. -NT - (Another Scott)
         Maintainability is everything - (scoenye) - (1)
             Will second that. - (static)
         Seen that referenced quite a lot (mainly on HN?); can't recall if I'd actually read it before. - (CRConrad)

The Moon is disgusting, it's made of cheese.
75 ms