Here's the largest (claimed!) resolution I found at a quick googling: Time's "Here Is Trump's Mug Shot, the First Ever of a Former President". Funnily, it leads to two slightly different URLs depending on whether you open it a s a link or use "open image in other tab" -- and . And at least in MS Edge it gets different claimed resolutions in the tab/window caption, ending in "1600x1600" and "2400x2400", IIRC. It's a bit weird, AIUI a pure image URL shouldn't even set any title except the .jpg file name... Does Edge extract this from the image metadata? But the URLs are identical up until the question mark, and the pics sure look the same to the naked eye -- and far from as sharp as even the lower claimed resoution would imply -- so... Fuck knows whether to believe either one. I wondered if the "quality" parameter somehow influenced the degree of JPEG compression, but switching it to 100 didn't do anything that I could see. Maybe it is really a 1600X1600 or 2400x2400 file, but saved in that format after having been pasted in from a much lower-resolution source image?

Another funny example from that search was in CNBC's
"Trump arrest full recap: Mugshot, surrender, what’s next in Georgia election case": (which claims a resolution of 4420X3320). It's a montage of tRump's and eleven of his main co-conspirators' mug shots, arranged in three rows of four. Which, assuming a ten-pixel border all around, would make each pic 1100x1100... But they don't look that good to me.