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New Went out today
Rather than put it on top of the Yukon, I put it inside the Yukon and tied the boat handles down to the passenger handles on the pillars. It stuck out the back about 4 ft. At a downward angle. Not enough to scrape the ground though. I tied that end handle down to the trailer hitch hook point.

6 minute cautious drive to the beach at the park. It's got a large concrete ramp down to the water so I can get very close for the drop off and pickup.

I actually have a beach around the corner here (three blocks away) but they closed the road for the winter. It is a private road that I pay for ($60 a year maintains that road and the local airport) but that also means I can get sued if someone does something really stupid on it. So we close it during the ice months. Keeping in mind there's only ice one or two days a month, but that's enough to be cautious.

Occasional drizzle and snow flurry.

I'll pick the traps up in a couple of hours. That motor certainly pushes me and M and the traps very quickly and I drain the battery for all of 5 minutes to get where I needed to go.
New Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip.
And M went swimming when trying to land the boat coming back in. Not full body. But that water is cold.

Seems that we got picky crabs. The chicken was a bit old for their liking. When we emptied the trap out and got rid of the chicken we tossed it to a seagull. It flew away for a second and landed and basically spit it out and said f you, I don't want that.

East Coast blue crabs love rotting stuff according to what I've read. West Coast Dungeness and Red rocks want fresh kill.

Tomorrow will be freshly unfrozen chicken thighs.
New also try canned vienna sausages, cajun crabs like them
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
     Tiny boat to tiny little itty bitty boat - (crazy) - (6)
         So you're going to do this while it's snowing? :) - (a6l6e6x) - (3)
             Went out today - (crazy) - (2)
                 Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. - (crazy) - (1)
                     also try canned vienna sausages, cajun crabs like them -NT - (boxley)
         Sounds good. - (Another Scott) - (1)
             Yeah, I was thinking about inflatable zodiacs - (crazy)

53 ms