M decided to go back to work. She has to build up a fund for her life and to support the evil child. Either way I lose her for 4 days a week.

She has decided not to drink anymore. It's just a downside on her energy levels. It used to be on her first day off. She'd bring home a bottle of tequila. But she figured out she'd rather have sex.

I want a drunk day a week. I can handle a bottle of tequila that will last me a few days. The first day gets me trashed and the second and third are merely sips as I make sure it doesn't screw up my intestines. But that's not conducive for really good sex.

So M knows on the second day of her going to work to buy me a bottle of tequila so I can have a couple of days of being trashed and the sex will be good.

The perfect wife or massive manipulation? Either way I win.