I love watching how Trump screws the people that thought they were taking him for a ride and then it all just blows up anyway. Especially after he was the one threatening to blow everything up.
In this case, we have a high placed whistleblower who has been working with the feds since August. He's got the paper trail for securities fraud.
My only problem here is that this guy will get financially rewarded. And he's just one more a****** at the top of Trump orbit. The prosecutors dilemma.
I love watching how Trump screws the people that thought they were taking him for a ride and then it all just blows up anyway. Especially after he was the one threatening to blow everything up.
In this case, we have a high placed whistleblower who has been working with the feds since August. He's got the paper trail for securities fraud.
My only problem here is that this guy will get financially rewarded. And he's just one more a****** at the top of Trump orbit. The prosecutors dilemma.