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New Karma
We just found out our old cat is infested. Not the other two cats or the two dogs, just the old one who barely goes out. He's on his last legs and just stopped fighting them, apparently that's enough.

Anyway, or bat recommended Virbac Knockout E.S. It's a spray that you put on the rugs and leave for 5 days then vacuum. I'll let you know in a week if it worked.

New Ordered
New Not waiting
Have a whole shitload of variety of carpet and upholstery poisons. All laundry and sheets and blankets being taken to the commercial laundry.

Spent the morning soaking the couch and chairs and carpet in the living room. Thank God this house only has one other carpeted room.

Will be flea shampooing and going over that cat with a fine tooth comb 10 times more. She went from being my best buddy to hating my guts. Oh well.

I actually don't like this couch that much. I bought it with the house. I might just toss it. Last time this happened about 12 years ago I had a leather pillow arm cushion couch that I loved. I wrapped that thing in plastic and dropped a no pest strip in there. That will kill anything including people. This couch isn't worth that effort.

Either way, this house will be bug free in a day or so.
New So how are you handling this?
I took my cat to the pet vet. They claimed whatever they put on her would kill everything in 20 minutes. I went home and I combed her and I found live stuff.

I look around at my carpet and couches. I have already soaked these things with pyrythamine-based flea killer and any flea that hops on here should die.

Everyday I comb her. Everyday I find live fleas. But sometimes these fleas are obviously on their way out. Today I found a flea on my leg. It was dead. Okay. Seems the various toxic substances are working But I'm not sure.

So do I do another pass and poison the world or do I accept that whatever I've already done will kill these things?
New eggs hatch and you get a new crop, keep treating and the crop gets smaller
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New Seems to be working
The vet said whatever they gave her should kill everything in 20 minutes. That was b*******. I had hopping fleas for another couple of weeks. In that time frame I re-poisoned the carpet and couches and everyday I've been combing her. Deeply. Pissing her off.

So today was the first day I combed her and could find absolutely nothing alive on her. I'll give her another week of daily combs to be sure and then I'll let her back in the bedroom. And I will continue to poison just in case.
     Effing fleas - (crazy) - (8)
         Only choice - (drook) - (6)
             Karma - (drook) - (5)
                 Ordered -NT - (crazy) - (4)
                     Not waiting - (crazy) - (3)
                         So how are you handling this? - (crazy) - (2)
                             eggs hatch and you get a new crop, keep treating and the crop gets smaller -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                                 Seems to be working - (crazy)
         Well, there are the electric bug killers. - (a6l6e6x)

The annual lizardfall in the Monterey preserve of California approaches 4,800 lizards per acre per year.
111 ms