See whatcha mean ;-)
Well, even GE has to get it right, sometimes..
Now then, cutting out that one manicure/ week saved me $27K ??! - Wow! now I can spend it. But wait, where did it go?
(Is that the corollary of: "Hey! it's on Sale; Look at how much I'll *save* buying this ____")
We have to Face It: we're All bloody good rationalizers - A+
I wonder if the $29K for COFFEE - was at current Starbucks prices forever, otherwise pretty impressive if the # comes from integrating ascending costs over an actual 30 years.
Anyway - a good sample of the Magic of compound interest (too). But then, so was I one who enquired about the share cost of Sony Corp, early-on.. found it was about $1/share. Neglected to buy some.
So what do I know?