This is my third Honda. I had to give up my last one. I deemed it not worth fixable. And at the same time I needed to drive a van across the country so it was time to lose the Honda and get the van. But I hated that van. So I sold it to some random guy on craigslist.

And today I decided I was tired of being the second driver in a two-driver family with one car. I've been trapped for way too many years. So I wandered craigslist today.

A really old Subaru legacy for a thousand bucks. I would take that. An Eddie Bauer edition four-wheel drive vehicle. I would take that as well. That was in the 3000 range. We are pushing past second vehicle money. Then I see a Dodge stealth with 67,000 mi on it from a long long time ago. I want that one badly. It's cherry red. It's a cop magnet. I send the email to each of these. I see a 98 Honda Accord. Fixable usually. I love me some Honda.

That's the first one who answered my question. Is it still available? Yes it is. Go test drive. I made the rational get a Honda rather than a pretty sports car choice.

It smells like an old Honda. It smells just like my previous two cars. Cracked windshield. Fine. I can handle that. The mirrors don't work on the remote. Fine, I'm the only driver. Acceleration great. Hug the road. Tires suck and need to be replaced. Some idiot tried to put a tint on the back and turned into nothing but a foggy smear that I have to get rid of. One key opens the doors and the other starts. I understand that. They just introduced the chips and the second key will not start the car. It was an aftermarket key before they figured it out. It will trigger an alarm. Three women drove this for the last 24 years. His grandmom who took it off the lot, his mother, and his sister.

I love my old Honda. My last one was 24 years old. So is this one.