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New I am.
I am his guardian angel. I kept contact with his parents when he was in jail. Keep in mind he's got grown children. He is not a child. But he's kind of childish. Really smart but significant holes in the logic until pointed out. He accepts the holes and is guided. He's just ignorant an an occasional area. And ignorant is not an insult, it is simply a lacking of knowledge.

I think I just figured it out why the women were so angry. You can pretty much guarantee that when he's got a pile of cash he's going to the casino. And we have lots of casinos here. He's one of those well-recruited customers. I got an incredible amount of mail from casinos for him when I first moved in and they were very attractive. I don't go to casinos. I bet they put him up for free.

I'll see him tomorrow and be putting up two more sheds. Hopefully it he doesn't blow it all in one night.
Expand Edited by crazy Feb. 26, 2022, 05:47:47 AM EST
Collapse Edited by crazy Feb. 26, 2022, 05:51:30 AM EST
I am.
I am his guardian angel. I kept contact with his parents when he was in jail.

I think I just figured it out why the women were so angry. You can pretty much guarantee that when he's got a pile of cash he's going to the casino. And we have lots of casinos here. He's one of those well-recruited customers. I got an incredible amount of mail from casinos for him when I first moved in and they were very attractive. I don't go to casinos. I bet they put him up for free.

I'll see him tomorrow and be putting up two more sheds. Hopefully it he doesn't blow it all in one night.
     I found a unicorn - (crazy) - (4)
         be kind to him, it will work wonders -NT - (boxley) - (3)
             I am. - (crazy)
             Got a couple of addresses for you - (crazy) - (1)
                 yup -NT - (boxley)

82 ms