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New I found a unicorn
I bought my house from an assumed meth dealer. Both his ex-wife who hates him and his ex-girlfriend who hates him told the cops he was selling meth out of the house.

I am clueless how this guy can be hatable. He is a sweetheart. He is responsible. He takes care of his kids. He works his ass off. He said he's getting his next woman from church. These crazy women are too much for him. I pointed out the church woman will be crazy in a different manner.

When the cops showed up there was no meth. This guy just had really annoyed these woman. They did find something he wasn't supposed to have but it's a very gray area. The public defender tried to convince him to plea. He went to trial and got a mistrial. He definitely had an incompetent lawyer who might have been in the pocket of the prosecutor. They're going to retry him and he needs to pay for a real lawyer. So he decided to sell his house to pay for the lawyer. That's how I showed up.

He's not great with finances. So when we got to closing he realized he was getting nothing for the house. Everything was going to creditors. He had no equity. This was a very sad moment for him. There was absolutely no reason for him to sign these documents and hand the house over to me. But he did it anyway. Because he had made a deal and he was following through. Sometimes I feel I stole this house from him. But I gave him the price he asked for. I paid for closing. I paid the taxes. I made it as easy as possible for him to leave. And he comes back and works on it for me.

He's been in and out of jail since this process started. Whenever he is out of jail he is welcome at this house. Not to stay but to visit. He did an enormous amount of work and is incredibly skilful. And artistic at the same time.

It pains me when he knocks on the door and has to ask to use the bathroom.

I met him at Costco. I asked him if he could bring a shed to the house and set it up. Absolutely. How long? A few hours plus minus. I gave him 200 bucks to do it. He strapped it down to the roof of his Jeep and brought it to my house and spent two solid hours working. Working competently. He is very smart and strong. He unpacked expertly and went through the instructions step by step. He's done this before and he knows what he's doing. So a couple hours later I had a shed. I didn't lift anything. Total active of work time was about 4 hours. Then I fed him some sous vide lamb ribs. He never had lamb before. He loved it.

I will call him back weekly. Half the pleasure of calling him back is the fact that he's working in the front yard and when the neighbors walk by they see him and that he's back. He is baaaaaaaccccccckkkk!

He is a unicorn. This is not someone you find. A handyman. Who reads well and can follow instructions. Who does drywall as a profession plus all kinds of other helpful stuff. He can do plumbing. I know this because he swapped the kitchen around. He can do electrical. He's not an electrician so I will pull an electrician into supervise but this guy is quite capable. He is really strong. He does wood work.

He's appreciative of any money I give him and is especially happy when I feed him.

By the end of this process he might be a felon. He might be in jail for a while. He's getting screwed horribly.
Collapse Edited by crazy Feb. 25, 2022, 11:39:08 AM EST
I found a unicorn
I bought my house from an assumed meth dealer. Both his ex-wife who hates him and his ex-girlfriend who hates him told the cops he was selling meth out of the house.

I am clueless how this guy can be hatable. He is a sweetheart. He is responsible. He takes care of his kids. He works his ass off. He said he's getting his next woman from church. These crazy women are too much for him. I pointed out the church woman will be crazy in a different manner.

When they showed cops showed up there was no meth. This guy just had really annoyed these woman. They did find something he wasn't supposed to have but it's a very gray area. The public defender tried to convince him to plea. He went to trial and got a mistrial. He definitely had an incompetent lawyer who might have been in the pocket of the prosecutor. They're going to retry him and he needs to pay for a real lawyer. So he decided to sell his house to pay for the lawyer. That's how I showed up.

He's not great with finances. So when we got to closing he realized he was getting nothing for the house. Everything was going to creditors. He had no equity. This was a very sad moment for him. There was absolutely no reason for him to sign these documents and hand the house over to me. But he did it anyway. Because he had made a deal and he was following through. Sometimes I feel I stole this house from him. But I gave him the price he asked for. I paid for closing. I paid the taxes. I made it as easy as possible for him to leave. And he comes back and works on it for me.

He's been in and out of jail since this process started. Whenever he is out of jail he is welcome at this house. Not to stay but to visit. He did an enormous amount of work and is incredibly skilful. And artistic at the same time.

It pains me when he knocks on the door and has to ask to use the bathroom.

I met him at Costco. I asked him if he could bring a shed to the house and set it up. Absolutely. How long? A few hours plus minus. I gave him 200 bucks to do it. He strapped it down to the roof of his Jeep and brought it to my house and spent two solid hours working. Working competently. He is very smart and strong. He unpacked expertly and went through the instructions step by step. He's done this before and he knows what he's doing. So a couple hours later I had a shed. I didn't lift anything. Total active of work time was about 4 hours. Then I fed him some sous vide lamb ribs. He never had lamb before. He loved it.

I will call him back weekly. Half the pleasure of calling him back is the fact that he's working in the front yard and when the neighbors walk by they see him and that he's back. He is baaaaaaaccccccckkkk!

He is a unicorn. This is not someone you find. A handyman. Who reads well and can follow instructions. Who does drywall as a profession plus all kinds of other helpful stuff. He can do plumbing. I know this because he swapped the kitchen around. He can do electrical. He's not an electrician so I will pull an electrician into supervise but this guy is quite capable. He is really strong. He does wood work.

He's appreciative of any money I give him and is especially happy when I feed him.

By the end of this process he might be a felon. He might be in jail for a while. He's getting screwed horribly.
New be kind to him, it will work wonders
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New I am.
I am his guardian angel. I kept contact with his parents when he was in jail. Keep in mind he's got grown children. He is not a child. But he's kind of childish. Really smart but significant holes in the logic until pointed out. He accepts the holes and is guided. He's just ignorant an an occasional area. And ignorant is not an insult, it is simply a lacking of knowledge.

I think I just figured it out why the women were so angry. You can pretty much guarantee that when he's got a pile of cash he's going to the casino. And we have lots of casinos here. He's one of those well-recruited customers. I got an incredible amount of mail from casinos for him when I first moved in and they were very attractive. I don't go to casinos. I bet they put him up for free.

I'll see him tomorrow and be putting up two more sheds. Hopefully it he doesn't blow it all in one night.
Expand Edited by crazy Feb. 26, 2022, 05:47:47 AM EST
Expand Edited by crazy Feb. 26, 2022, 05:51:30 AM EST
New Got a couple of addresses for you
Is the Netscape live?
New yup
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
     I found a unicorn - (crazy) - (4)
         be kind to him, it will work wonders -NT - (boxley) - (3)
             I am. - (crazy)
             Got a couple of addresses for you - (crazy) - (1)
                 yup -NT - (boxley)

48 ms