Texas woman arrested after pulling a gun over H-E-B parking spot
A Corpus Christi woman was arrested on Tuesday, November 30, after screenshots of a video surfaced online of her brandishing a gun in a H-E-B parking lot.
Rossie Dennis, 60, was arrested for on a warrant for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, the Corpus Christi Police Department reported on Facebook.
Dennis was arrested for an incident that occurred around noon on November 24, according to the CCPD post. Screenshots of a video were posted on Reddit saying the incident occurred at an H-E-B in the Annaville neighborhood in Corpus Christi.
CCPD says when they arrived at the parking lot they were told that Dennis pointed the gun at the victims and threatened to shoot them over a parking space. It's not clear how many people were in the vehicle, but the Reddit post claims it was a woman and a six-month-old child.
It's such a good thing that the Republicans running this state decided that open carry without being licensed, because you never know when someone taking the parking spot that you want will cause the downfall of civilization.