Years ago I had very serious, painful, even crippling foot and knee problems, very often. Due to a joke about research doctors, I learned that Chicken Cartilage was so effective, the doctors started calling it a drug.
I ordered Chicken Sternum Cartilage Collagen Type II (the type for joints) from Swanson, a reliable outfit. I started with 4 capsules a day, and when things seemed to settle down I dropped back to 3. I have not had serious foot or knee problems now for many years.
A friend had heard my story, and sent an email saying the doctors wanted to give injections and schedule surgery on his shoulders, and asked what I was using. I told him. A couple months later he emailed me that the treatment was amazing, and no injections or surgery were now needed.
Of course, he didn't order from Swanson, he found a cheaper source. He and his wife (yes wife now, after 60 years of "living in sin" (better Social Security benefits)) are among the most determined and expert penny pinchers in North America.
And, while we are on the subject of effective treatments, at a much earlier time I had severe bouts of gout. I eventually figured out what was causing it, but in the mean time I'd found an incredibly effective treatment (only medically approved in South Africa). Celery Seed Extract.
When I first learned of this I had very serious pain and swelling. To assure delivery I ordered the extract from two supplement vendors - but it turned out pill peddlers in those days thought 2 weeks to ship was very fast. I was used to my technology vendors - order by 5pm, on my doorstep by noon. The orders didn't come in, and I couldn't wait. I put a heavy knitted sock on the worst foot (no possibility of getting it into a shoe) and managed to struggle into my car and go over to Sunland Produce. I bought three large heads of celery, the leafiest ones they had.
I figured if this stuff was in the seeds, it might be in the stems and leaves too. Within a day and a half I had completely eaten all three large celery heads, raw, leaves and all. By time the pills came in, I didn't need them. Now I keep plenty of capsules on hand, because they are effective for other inflammations as well. Of course, I order from Swanson, they ship same day.