Post #440,093
10/4/21 4:46:41 PM
10/4/21 4:46:41 PM

facebook heh
C:\Users\boxley>nslookup facebook.comServer: Address: *** can't find Server failed C:\Users\boxley>
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #440,097
10/5/21 4:54:02 AM
10/5/21 4:54:02 AM

BGP error.
Someone published a faulty BGP manifest and it removed the routes to all (or most) of the Facebook servers, in particular their DNS ones.
Post #440,098
10/5/21 11:51:24 AM
10/5/21 11:51:24 AM

Too bad they were able to fix it.
Post #440,100
10/5/21 3:50:06 PM
10/5/21 3:50:06 PM

Amen to that.
Post #440,102
10/6/21 2:50:02 AM
10/6/21 2:50:02 AM

I have friends I have no other way to socialize with than on FB.
For all its ills it does serve a purpose.
Post #440,103
10/6/21 6:10:32 AM
10/6/21 6:10:32 AM

Are you friends with lots of the four-legged kind of cattle, too?
Honestly, if they're on FB, they have some form of Internet connection. If they somehow "can't" use that for anything else than FB, they're Zuckerberg's sheep, rather than fully autonomous human beings. If they're worth being friends with, aren't they worth the effort of showing them how not to be sheeple?
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #440,104
10/6/21 8:39:32 AM
10/6/21 8:39:32 AM

How many people here do you have personal contact info for?
If Scott turned this off tomorrow, I don't think I have more than a dozen people's current contact info. And for the ones I do have, a mailing list wouldn't be the same.
Might be better in some ways, worse in others, but this little community has lasted a *long time* in basically this form. I wouldn't want to take an unnecessary bet it would survive in a different form.
So long as we're relying on *someone* maintaining the system, we depend on a benefactor. We're mostly tech geeks. Probably half of us could figure out how to host off-the-shelf forum software if Scott wanted to bow out. For other groups, they rely on a commercial solution.
There are a couple groups I follow on Facebook. Not because it's Facebook, but because that's where the people meet. Some of those have thousands of members, with several hundred fairly regular contributors.
*One* of them has a secondary channel that they control. Because it's a commercial product user group, and the manufacturer has it's own forum.
Yes, the internet makes it possible for "anyone" to communicate with "anyone". But once that scales up to thousands of regular users, there needs to be professional support.
Post #440,106
10/6/21 5:06:35 PM
10/6/21 5:06:35 PM

Hm, true. Maybe one should start collecting them.
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #440,111
10/6/21 11:00:56 PM
10/6/21 11:00:56 PM

You’re forgetting Peter and
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #440,112
10/6/21 11:49:51 PM
10/6/21 11:49:51 PM

True, I was forgetting
Post #440,105
10/6/21 5:04:25 PM
10/6/21 5:04:25 PM

Moving people is hard.
Very hard.
For many, they just will not move. I have groups I have tried to move somewhere else. I have a group that started elsewhere and the platform was just too inadequate compared to Facebook. I know you know what the network effect is. It keeps people on Facebook.
Post #440,110
10/6/21 9:16:30 PM
10/6/21 9:16:30 PM

get lots of pics of the grankids from there
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #440,101
10/5/21 9:41:40 PM
10/5/21 9:41:40 PM

But they saved 20% of a sysadmin
Wondering if the peons who were going to get axed had to write the script as their departure gift to the company...