The first organized police forces in the U.S. were runaway slave posses. I don't think that's sufficient to taint the entirety of current law enforcement, but when you look at what counts as "tough on crime" it's hard not to see that "crime" seems to exclusively mean things that poor (and usually minority) people do.

Wage theft is more than 3 times the size of robberies, burglaries, larcenies, and motor vehicle thefts combined. How many officers are hassling CEOs for underpaying employees?

There are more than 126,000 sites where industrial waste is known to have contaminated groundwater. If each of those is responsible for one early death per year that's 6 times the murder rate of < 20k/yr. When is the last time you saw a chemical company CEO perp walked on the evening news?

When the rich and powerful are allowed to define what even counts as "crime" is it any wonder we have police forces that are de facto segregation enforcers?