Post #439,357
6/21/21 12:13:44 AM
6/21/21 12:13:44 AM

Ozone is bad news. UV is bad news. generators that are sold as air cleaners intentionally produce the gas ozone. Often the vendors of ozone generators make statements and distribute material that lead the public to believe that these devices are always safe and effective in controlling indoor air pollution. For almost a century, health professionals have refuted these claims (Sawyer, et. al 1913; Salls, 1927; Boeniger, 1995; American Lung Association, 1997; Al-Ahmady, 1997). The purpose of this document is to provide accurate information regarding the use of ozone-generating devices in indoor occupied spaces. This information is based on the most credible scientific evidence currently available.
Some vendors suggest that these devices have been approved by the federal government for use in occupied spaces. To the contrary, NO agency of the federal government has approved these devices for use in occupied spaces. Because of these claims, and because ozone can cause health problems at high concentrations, several federal government agencies have worked in consultation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to produce this public information document." (I've got a commercial UV-ozone box at work. It has UV lamps in an aluminum box. I put stuff in there and close the box to clean them (ozone is great at removing organic residue). UV creates ozone from O2. Humans are organics, and lungs are delicate things...) People shouldn't be messing with it in their homes unless they know what they're doing. Caveat emptor. My $0.02. Cheers, Scott.
Post #439,419
7/2/21 7:42:35 AM
7/2/21 8:08:13 AM

I want a closet size sterilization chamber.
So to start off with you get a grow tent. 4x4x7 ft. Hanging racks, whatever it takes. Then have that light bulb hang in the exact center of it.
Grow tents are 100% light sealed. Okay, 99 point whatever. That's because pot is damaged if there is light during its dark periods when it is flowering. These tents are designed for light seal. So no bad UV will be escaping. Plus their internal walls are highly reflective polished pebbled mylar. None of that UV will be wasted as it bounces around.
There is also overlapping thick black fabric on the inside of the tent behind the zippers to block any possible light.
Secondary they are designed to be very well air controlled. So that means you can plug in filtration systems and move air between filtration system and the tent and be reasonably secure minimal is escaping if you tape down the joints.
I still wouldn't hang out in the room when the tent is in action. I'd still wait a half hour after operation completed and air out the room because a tiny bit of ozone might escape and I respect it.
To start off with the UV will destroy anything that there's a direct line of sight and then all the ozone being created and explosively going after anything in there in that tight space will create absolute shock level sterilization conditions.
I already had this same basic setup but with just ozone. I want to add a little more power to the mix.
But crazy, aren't you crazy for exposing yourself to this dangerous dangerous substance.
Nope. Activated carbon scrubber. Standard exhaust methods for grow rooms include active carbon scrubber. Standard grow room operations would be then to exhaust that air but not in this case. You recirculate it back to the tent for a half hour to go through the ozone depletion process.
My active carbon scrubber can recirculate that tent four times a minute. 30 minutes of that and nothing is left.
When I open up the tent that ozone is gone.
Edit: I just realized this design could be simplified and efficiency probably quadrupled simply by hanging the carbon scrubber in the tent with absolutely no external circulation. No bends in tubes which dramatically drop air flow. Just a fan and a filter straight through in the middle of the tent. It will also lessen the possibility of tent bulge which then pushes ozone through the zippers. This was still minimal before because it was the exact amount of air being taken out as being put back into the tent But every possible opening counts.
And if my paranoia levels off the charts I'd add a 6-in tube out of it with a fan that would exhaust it out of a window as the final step. But I've yet to smell ozone / chlorine / yeah I know what I'm looking for and get the hell out if there's the slightest hint of that smell, and it's not happening at that point.
Also, I wear goggles and hold my breath when I walk into the room to open up the windows as the final step and then walk back out of the room and shut the door.

Edited by crazy
July 2, 2021, 07:56:45 AM EDT

Edited by crazy
July 2, 2021, 08:08:13 AM EDT
Post #439,420
7/2/21 8:04:33 AM
7/2/21 8:04:33 AM

Possibly dumb question: For what?
Post #439,421
7/2/21 8:10:29 AM
7/2/21 8:10:29 AM

Because covid Delta is going to turn into whatever the next covid that will kill us
And it will mutate to jump past the current vaccine defenses. This s*** ain't over.
I'm going to be a little better prepared this time.
Post #439,423
7/2/21 1:50:21 PM
7/2/21 1:50:21 PM

If you bring it home with you...
...then you've already got it.
COVID is airborne, which means you walk through a cloud of it and you get some in a mucus membrane (eyes, nose, mouth, throat, lungs) and it takes off from there. While it is possible for COVID to mutate to spread via another method, it's also possible that my daughter will win the Nobel Peace Prize for being unbearably cute.
Now, is it possible that some other bullshit superbug will come around and murder us in another way? Yep. But you're not going to be protecting yourself much from COVID - best way is a vaccine, backup is N95 mask + airtight goggles in any situation where you might be interacting with somebody who has it.
Ceterum autem censeo pars Republican esse delendam.
Post #439,424
7/2/21 3:51:33 PM
7/2/21 3:51:33 PM

Yup and nope
Will be hiding out in my house. Delivery guy delivers stuff. Mailman delivers stuff. Etc.
Masked interactions.
Anything they hand me goes in that tent. Then I carve that s*** open and then run it again. Then I open whatever plastic bags are in it. And I run it again.
Post #439,425
7/2/21 3:53:52 PM
7/2/21 3:53:52 PM

Hey, you're WA state right?
I'm going to need a tour guide. How about it?
Post #439,456
7/7/21 11:33:33 AM
7/7/21 11:33:33 AM

I barely have time to breathe these days.
Can point you at a few local places, but unlikely to actually get out to them. Where ya moving?
Ceterum autem censeo pars Republican esse delendam.
Post #439,459
7/8/21 1:03:29 AM
7/8/21 1:03:29 AM

Take offline
Lastname.firstname@gmail Please
Post #439,461
7/8/21 3:45:00 PM
7/8/21 3:45:00 PM

Try my username
at the same email service. I don't know your first/last.
Ceterum autem censeo pars Republican esse delendam.
Post #439,472
7/9/21 7:36:01 PM
7/9/21 7:36:01 PM
