...put in at least 6...which you do.
So...in essence...you are getting 100% interest on your investment...before any market effects.
So even if the value of your 401k drops to half...you're still at your original investment.
Best deal on the planet (legal one anyways ;-)
What you may want to consider is putting the other 4% somewhere else...BUT...some folks don't trust themselves to do that. That, at least, gives them access to the additional value before 59...in case of emergency or what have you. But you still get the tax deferrement on the 4 extra...so whatever your net tax rate is...you get that for starters on the extra.
Some 401ks also allow you to borrow against the amount for any purpose...up to half the invested value...and you then repay yourself.
Great way to get a car loan...etc....from yourself.