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New Can't tell if this is trolling

The first comment under this. Wow. (And the third comment, the guy is a genuine nutbar.)

New Love the last one though
"Wow, your super smart"
Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson.
New Been following this for years. Meaningless.
So the previous guy says we got to find negative energy that is more energy than the universe currently contains. And the next guys say: no you don't need negative energy, we can do this on positive energy. Just more energy than the whole universe contains and the next guys say you don't need more than all the universe contains. You just need a lot. How lot? More than Dyson sphere lot.

How much is that you may ask? Let me tell you: more than you got in as many generations as you can imagine. It means constructing something that contains all the energy coming out of a single sun. And according to these guys the energy level is thousands to millions to billions of suns for this to work.

To do what? To speed up a harvest or slow down someone's life. No one is that rich or ever will be.
Expand Edited by crazy April 17, 2021, 07:49:58 PM EDT
New Yeah, Poe's Law.
It's hard to tell. But even if it's trolling, it's not funny. (I think the Flat Earth stuff started off as trolling, IIRC.)

Looking around, he seems to be sincere (or at least is fighting for clicks and visibility for his company). It looks like nothing he has "published" has been peer-reviewed (unsurprisingly).


Michelson–Morley type experiments have been repeated many times with steadily increasing sensitivity. These include experiments from 1902 to 1905, and a series of experiments in the 1920s. More recently, in 2009, optical resonator experiments confirmed the absence of any aether wind at the 10−17 level.[2][3] Together with the Ives–Stilwell and Kennedy–Thorndike experiments, Michelson–Morley type experiments form one of the fundamental tests of special relativity theory.[A 3]

M-M spent a long time, with some amazing hardware for the time, to try to find the aether this guy is talking about, and didn't find it.

He seems to be making some elementary mistakes and ignoring the fact that SR is about the most successful physical theory there is.

New "This has got to be, hands down, the most rediculous, waste of time story that i have ever read…."
Quite understandable, one might even be inclined to agree... Until one gets to Eric's frame of reference for what constitutes a "rediculous" story:
This has got to be, hands down, the most rediculous, waste of time story that i have ever read…. its right up there with the Story of how Biden supposedly won the Election.

Eric | April 24, 2021 at 8:47 am

   Christian R. Conrad
The Man Who Apparently Still Knows Fucking Everything

Mail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at iki.fi
     Can't tell if this is trolling - (drook) - (4)
         Love the last one though - (malraux)
         Been following this for years. Meaningless. - (crazy)
         Yeah, Poe's Law. - (Another Scott)
         "This has got to be, hands down, the most rediculous, waste of time story that i have ever read…." - (CRConrad)

And they're even healthy for you, because I made them with my milk.
37 ms