Ashton may be offline for a few days as he sets up a unit to replace an iMac he believes to have been compromised—it is difficult for me to be certain from his somewhat free-associative recounting of the symptoms whether this is actually the case, but he’s quite persuaded of it—and which is at all events definitely superannuated. I’ve brokered him the purchase of a very recent model that should give him good service for years. In the course of a discussion today, he was floored and horrified, as I gave him pointers on configuration, at the notion of ever going online as an “Administrator”: it has been his custom, I gather, to use a “Standard” account for these things. I told him that he was being needlessly, even absurdly cautious here, and some cursory research appears to bear out this conclusion, but he asked me to put the question to the great and good minds of IWT. If anyone has useful thoughts on the matter, I’ll pass them on.