Wish I had brainz that good; gotta trundle along with status quo :-/
(See? Planet Earth/the bipeds-in-charge: is at least a contender for, "What is Hell rilly like?')

Certainty always invalid.. and Despicables have already grabbed pwnership of 98.666% of all the tangibles as keep the stomach stoked.
Worldwide, pretty much, with a few bright lights like Scandihoovia, etc.
Carrion, an Earth analogue?

Need to pet a cat, maybe even a raccoon.. Neither perpetually collects infinite-Stuff, just food.

PS: that the irony of that June 2016! report.. manifestly LOST on the tin-eared breathers of his exhalations ... a few months later.
--merely seals the Doom: that STILL the unTeachables rove our carcass-country in solidarity..
likely Mad-Maxing to a fare-thee-well? (wherever it is that Drumpf parks his carcass, in the interim).

IF Georigia vote proves a FAIL for any Survival-oriented outcome, well, you know.. Lies go out at light-speed;
Truthiness walks in snowshoes. The Crap-shoot is now ON and counting.