Post #4,380
8/9/01 12:19:49 PM

Now what was it that whacked this thread?
We've seen the ill results of pre elsewhere, but what clobbered this thread?
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
Post #4,439
8/9/01 7:56:56 PM
8/9/01 8:07:18 PM

Bill Oxley's Aleut browser again, or mine: Admin?
That is:
No way for me to separate out his'n and mine - even via "Show One Reply Only" (because that includes his too - it's first reply). And that feature appears Not to work anyway - no matter if refresh direct: it never shows just selected post and one more. For me in NS 4.5
And I used no pre in my post; didn't check source - but Bill usually doesn't play HTML games anyway. Zope? Alaskan whale oil or karmatic aberration? Thought this was an xact umm 'science'.
The Source - theory
My [a href] with a long titlename + the long address.. might be culprit. Remember that EZ er 'split, wrapped' some of the humongous URLs? Does Zope? Izzat it?
Ashton Systems Analyst - MCSE grade Cum Laude: 3 clicks/second
Post #4,441
8/9/01 8:14:48 PM

That's not what "Show One Only" means
I should probably reword that. It means, show the selected post only (ie. one of the replies -- should be Show One Post Only).
I'll take a look to see where the HTML is farked.
-scott anderson
Post #4,443
8/9/01 8:18:54 PM

No, I don't need to reword it.
It says "Show One Comment Only".
-scott anderson
Post #4,445
8/9/01 8:21:38 PM
8/9/01 8:26:48 PM

That's what I thought it meant:
but selecting that, waiting for reload (which already means.. it went on down the list) - I don't ever see "the one post selected" - ONLY.
I'll try various combos of selecting that option, before and after selecting The Post of interest..
I think it's Code Red.
"Show one comment only" appears only After one selects a post (and its little cheeldrun tag along). Select "SOCO" and: no difference! Just reloads entire thread - in fact, down to THIS one which I am editing)
Post #4,448
8/9/01 8:50:08 PM

Yes, Show One Comment Only is in comment view only
When you click it, and it reloads all of the posts again, does the link change to "Show All Replies"?
-scott anderson
Post #4,450
8/9/01 9:34:41 PM
8/9/01 10:06:31 PM

WebWasher filter! Again - as with login.
Tried it twice! this time with WW off:
First time the "purple=read" link stayed same. Second - turned to blue=unaccessed yet. THEN: toggled to show proper "showall" AND indeed truncated at that post.
{sigh} Maybe need to hit that link again, add to 'good guy' WW list. Sheesh - security IS a PITA; ya gotta tell it every Little thing..
Sorry 'bout false alarm - I'm just a MCN (Nemesis)
Post #4,460
8/9/01 10:10:51 PM

Hmm, sounds like a cache issue or something.
Very odd.
BTW, I'd prefer that you add new posts as opposed to editing to clarify things. Keeps a better trail of what was going on, and I tend to ignore edits because I expect that they're usually typos and the like.
-scott anderson