but it implies some random choice 'twixt comfort of a next kind and: Comfort now (?)
I mean, if one treasures the moments when say, followiing a path of sorts: staying-in, staying-with The Moment
--intentionally, instead of moving on to some chore..
then this becomes a sorta timeless event of, w.t.f. 'timeless just-Being? Hell it might even be a mantra.

TMI maybe--but that's my take on the phenom--these moments take one out-of the monkey-mind's insatiable
appetite for say, the Novel-next --> which is more automatic compulsion than any rare, conscious decision.
Works por moi. Endorphins again :-)

(One of my pair, Tux has his bouts of neediness); sometimes mid afternoon I'll comply--short naps are good
on their face, anyway. 10~20 minutes later He or I disengage; he's happy; I'm refreshed too. win/win.
We feed them /they try to give-back, I suppose..

PS: no cat needs any lectures from a homo-sap re: Remaining in-the-moment--I trust that every cat-staff-person
has noted, early-on.