I hope this good deed in a very tired world stands. I have some left over aerial fireworks that I plan to launch if/when Biden is declared the victor. That'll really piss off the neighbors.
Democratic politician: I think Biden will win by 100,000. Interviewer: pointing to the board: that's not possible there are only 120,000 votes left and Biden would have to win almost all of them. Democratic politician: nope, your total votes expected are wrong, you're not including 100,000 provisional votes and we expect a substantial portion of those as well.
Good thought!.. would kick-self for not stocking up. But..
Locally I might set something afire, so ..shall have to experience your It's-fucking-about-TIME !!! display, (as they say in Opera, Tosca*) 'simulato'.
* She did get the satisfiction of stabbing that particular motherfucker--it's why Opera is so popular (I wot :-)
Well, the place was crowded. We were packed in like sardines. They were all there to listen to the Big Band sounds of Tommy Dorsal. What sole! Tommy was rocking the place with a very popular tuna: "Sal-mon Chanted Evening," and the stage was surrounded by screaming groupers; probably there to see the bass player.
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