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New Keith Olbermann is back! Yay

He got out of his sports casting contract to go full political. 10 minutes segments, the first part which is a really strong rant and the second part which is responding to headlines of the day.
New Hey drook
This guy's got 84.2k subscribers right now. You say you got a buddy with broadcast. See if you can up his subscribers.
New You sure that was me?
I may have said, "I know a guy," and meant, "I know of a guy," because I can't think of who that would be.

New Yup
When I posted something having to do with the post office which included how bad they were off and would never be able to restart with the lost equipment you asked me to create something postable for the general public. Which you then forwarded to someone else. If this someone else has a following that you would feel as appropriate for this guy then I would appreciate if you pushed them to go there and then subscribe to him.
New Note on broadcast
Broadcast no longer means airwaves. Is simply means a very large following.
New Ahh, that was Dave Winer
He'd been posting a lot about the post office shenanigans. Not a personal friend, but we've chatted a few times in his comments.

IIRC he's an Olbermann fan. Think I'll drop him a line.

     Keith Olbermann is back! Yay - (crazy) - (5)
         Hey drook - (crazy) - (4)
             You sure that was me? - (drook) - (3)
                 Yup - (crazy) - (2)
                     Note on broadcast - (crazy)
                     Ahh, that was Dave Winer - (drook)

And so on, and so forth.
41 ms