Yes, perspicuous exact planning then--amidst a jillion of competing check-lists and priorities.
Surmising that--whoever had the first idea early-on?--many facets of design had to bend a bit, to make such a Plan realizable.
Imagine.. just how many 'intersections' of electrical, hydraulic, attachment! matters needed to be made: do-able by amateurs, to achieve this result.
(Love to have a copy of The ∑-Manual)--as could teach us all (how Words Matter Too) in getting error-free, every detail as anyone could then imagine
..Would happen--if you forgot just one: "If THIS then THAT ..UNLESS," eh?
Clever Lads ... schools were Working better way-back*, we may conclude.
(Maybe they WERE 'The Greatest Generation' -sans any hype?
* Though my other Fav-Aunt gave this tyke a bum-steer re car engines when I asked (all the 'explosions' inside having been mentioned)
"then how come it isn't Louder?" She neglected to mention The Muffler and a tad of how that worked, said something about lubrication /oil etc.
Still.. maybe she realized that getting into How a muffler works, how sounds can be dampened--was beyond taking a stab. So I give her a Pass. :-)
(Maybe this was an early-on clue that, Adults don't necessarily know much about what they are saying)--sometimes?