The math is there (and those who remember that the Slope of a graph is its Derivative--is all the calculus* yet grokked, easing comprehension.
Good coverage of 'time-since-Outbreak', Pond illustratoin pf 'Day-59 as flips to !00% Last-day; ie an Exponetial in real-life.
* Hmmm Analytic Geometry still a precursor, advised pre- that matriculation-thing?

But to the mathphobes you don't Need such factoids ... even the innumerate sad-minority can grok the sequential displays in non-academic English
--likely a few other languages; haven't checked. Methinks that most people can grasp The Point re *Isolation* via just these visuals and the sequences
in such sane order, (but if first few days of Algebra was skipped): you're back to, "when Mickey's big hand is ____" :-/

There have been lots iof these Trys, to date. I vote this one wisest and best (seen yet).
That is all.