Should be on podcast in a trice.

Political Industry

We don’t typically think of our political system as an industry. But this week on Freakonomics Radio: Stephen Dubner speaks with two experts who argue that, in fact, it is one — and a wildly successful one at that.

If they Make their Case: there are some ways--following exhaustive work of this pair: for getting all Voters freed via: 'Senate Fulcrum Strategy', for one: several options appear effective and possible--as end-runs around the duopoly ... if anyone Hates this M.O. as much as the Loser-next. If anyone still cares-next.

~ ~Summary ..."Finally, you are anticipated to vote (in this duopoly) on the One you least-Hate" ... where have we uttered such last X-years?

Likely such fixing is moot anyway, given all those swords over head. It will become too-hot to think
..a while before other functions are iffy.