From the "Dynamic IP Hacks" howto:
It would be nice to be able to get access to my work machine (Sun) from
home, and vice versa, yet telnet is firewalled at work. Here's a way
around it.
For purposes of this explanation I'll give the method for gaining access
to my work machine from my home Linux machine, with a dial-up PPP
connection to my ISP and dynamic IP assignment.
From home, when I want access to my work machine, I dial-in and fire up
X, set "xhost +", determine my dynamic IP, and email my dynamic IP to my
work machine in a mail message with a particular format. On my work
machine I have a procmail recipe/script setup that parses the body of a
message whose subject matches a target, say "X-W". If the body of that
message meets certain requirements then it extracts the IP from the
message and spawns an xterm with the display directed to my home dynamic
IP like this:
xterm -display my.ip.i.sent:0.0 -e login
Voila! In about 30 secs to a minute, an xterm login shell appears on my
home machine! I haven't tried going the other direction yet because my
home machine isn't on full time, but using the other methods of
determining the dynamic IP from a remote machine it should work the same
Now assuming you can sneak in a few VNC servers (corporate security is so braindead that this should be easy) you are on Windows and the games can begin.
You could slip in a UNIX box with a direct crossover connection and the appropriate routing to your Windows work box without anyone suspecting much. Just "accidentally" leave your laptop at work.