Here npr/audio only: podcast
(Rudnick writes for New Yorker--this is New Yorker Hour on PBS/fm etc.]
Plot: a Newyorker snatches MAGA-hat off of [always they have a smirk-ON) guy in a restaurant.
Is arrested, etc. Rudnick and Midler describe the scene + the Larger milieu
== She once had dinner w/ DJT/Melania--also described ["I cannot recall a single thing he 'said'"]
but the description of the [Transactional]: Drumpf wanted Melania in Vogue!! fascinating.
I gotta see "Coastal Elites", apparently near release. ZOOM, XOOM? I gets so confused
Carrion: DJT+Melania--the short-form of that.
(Rudnick writes for New Yorker--this is New Yorker Hour on PBS/fm etc.]
Plot: a Newyorker snatches MAGA-hat off of [always they have a smirk-ON) guy in a restaurant.
Is arrested, etc. Rudnick and Midler describe the scene + the Larger milieu
== She once had dinner w/ DJT/Melania--also described ["I cannot recall a single thing he 'said'"]
but the description of the [Transactional]: Drumpf wanted Melania in Vogue!! fascinating.
I gotta see "Coastal Elites", apparently near release. ZOOM, XOOM? I gets so confused
Carrion: DJT+Melania--the short-form of that.