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New In progress, more or less...
My wife and I are dealing with her mother now. She is a widow (a year ago last April 1)and her only desire at this point is to live at home. She is on a lot of different meds, smokes 2 packs a day, and is losing mental acuity rapidly. She's 89 years old. My wife ditched a career to look after her father while he was dying (another year and a half process.)
A couple weeks ago, my wife dropped by to bring groceries and visit. She ended up calling an ambulance for her mother. My wife specified TLC-DNR. After a couple transfusions, her mother was good to go again, with no explanation of how her blood chemistry got so screwed up.
We are facing the realization that her mother is not capable of living alone. And that is all she really wants. She does not drive. She can't walk to the stores at this point. She doesn't do anything drastic or harmful (yet..)
She can get pretty nasty if we discuss alternate living solutions. We are just being selfish (we haven't had a vacation for over 4 years), we only want her stuff (both she and her husband were blue-collar workers, living on a pension for the last 15 years. About all she has is a small pension and the house, neither of which are attractive)
I'm rambling now.
I really appreciate how difficult your situation is. I hope you get through it.
Good luck,
New That's one thing I'm thankful for
My parents have already decided they want to go to a continuing care facility. My mother has already checked them out for herself. When they decide they can't take care of themselves or their house any more, they'll move into one of the apartments. As they need more care they move closer to the center of the facility. At the center of the facility is full nursing care.

My mother saw what happened as her father developed Alzheimer's, and she doesn't want to do the same. If she needs help we (my brother and I) simply aren't qualified for, she wants to be near someone who is.
Microsoft offers them the one thing most business people will pay any price for - the ability to say "we had no choice - everyone's doing it that way." -- [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=38978|Andrew Grygus]
     Anybody have to put their folks away yet? - (mmoffitt) - (7)
         I could speak for my father. - (static) - (1)
             You have my sympathy. - (mmoffitt)
         Do they know exactly what is wrong? - (orion)
         In progress, more or less... - (hnick) - (1)
             That's one thing I'm thankful for - (drewk)
         Grandmother had Alzheimer's - (wharris2)
         Was conservator - (Ashton)

Why did my head just get farther away?
40 ms