Back when we were the universal Good Guys: Marshall Plan as #1 and other altruism as evanesced next into
actual conniving..until present pitiful-Narsty-Giant-hood.

44 min
'The Quiet Americans*' Examines Tragic Miscalculations In The CIA's Formative Years ['OSS', Office of Strategic Services was forerunner during the war]

In a new book, author Scott Anderson chronicles the formative years of America's spy agency by focusing on four soldiers who became intelligence agents after World War II.

KQED-fm podcast.
How it is that: our overthrow of democratic governments after WW-II poisoned-the-well--as the pattern became obvious
[does not Everyone Despise up-front-hypocrisy? Except one's own--invisible]. Seems even the charismatic Prez's closed-eyes,
though JFK is said to have had second thoughts re Vietnam--after his Puppet-guy Ngô Đình Diệm was assassinated;
then he received the same, and LBJ wasn't JFK, just (eventually) ..manic about Not Losing. Hmm,: familiar?

Add-to-list: why, after The Monster, no. one. can ever feels sure that our feckless tribes /when occasionally united for idiocy
..won't just do it again. (Assuming it's not all moot via 4-More-Years of petro-mining State Parks, natch).

* Wayback, Graham Greene had an early angle on this, his book: The Quiet American; (they might have given him a nod here).
Slipped mind or, too young?

Carrion's no wonder they Lied to moi from Grammar-school --> On. When it's This-bad ..euphemisms are so
patently-false, all you'd get is, Huh!?
from the more alert students--with atypically ept parents who ask 'whatcha learn today?