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New Is it all unraveling? What is next?
With collapse of Enron and now the problems with Worldcom what is next? Worldcom owes billions of dollars to banks and even more in bonds. [link|http://www.telegraph.co.uk/money/main.jhtml;$sessionid$WXWKCDYAADJBRQFIQMFSFF4AVCBQ0IV0?xml=/money/2002/06/27/cnwcom27.xml&sSheet=/news/2002/06/27/ixnewstop.html&_requestid=135815&_requestid=165112|Worldwide web of debt unravelling]

"The world's banks are owed $2.65 billion in outstanding loans by WorldCom, the beleaguered US telecoms company, which is believed to have accumulated further debts of around $30 billion in bonds and commercial paper."
New Marx Dixit
More and more, corporate America resembles the former USSR. A sham, propped up by puppets, liars, and scoundrels.

As Lincoln said, paraphrasing, "I prefer to take my despotism pure, as in Russia, without the base alloy of hypocrisy."

The behavior of the corporate world following the terror attacks in September tops even their scandalous financial behavior in amorality.

An axiom of living is that wherever people are turned into numbers, for example as an "burden" in a profit/loss statement or a "human resource" to be exploited, or say in a concentration camp or county jail with a mandate to keep its beds occupied so the state punishment dollars will continue to flow, there you will find enemies of men and enemies of Freedom. The barons of Corporate America have caused untold destruction of lives and infrastructure over the last 30 years. We reached the Moon, and then lay down in the gutter.

Israel, by the way, is following a parallel self-destructive enantiodromic pattern. You too have become your own enemies. This pattern may be built into the evolution of societies.

New We are entering the Brezhnev Era
Just where the USSR was during the late seventies, apparachiks in charge and dissollutioned workers, all 5 yr plans in shambles reporting non existant gains as profit (Xerox booked 6 billionUSD years before realization) there will be some hyper inflation to keep from a deflation into depression. It wont work this time unless we go into a war economy. Hail to the Chief (CFO of America) blood for jobs and the factories humming, now for an enemy.
New Re: We are entering the Brezhnev Era
The enemy above.

Wage war on the Moon, and deface it with asteroid searching stations and tritium collection plants. Take that, O lesser luminary!

Many jobs, much technology, a new place to wave flags. No air to globally warm, nary a tree to hug. And it we melt the polar icecap, it will be a good thing.

We can build a gigantic newsticker around the equator, and stream non-stop Fox News America At War items on it. Global advertising revenue possibilities!

Vacationland for laywers in love. Let's go!

New The New Economy...
...somehow reminds me of The Old Economy.
New It's no wonder it looks the same

The same people are in charge.

Tom Sinclair
"Subverting Young Minds Since 03/13/2000"
New Simple, they got caught
many others have gotten away with it Scott-Free, and only recently were Enron and Worldcom caught. I imagine that many companies hide their losses so they can sell more stock. Good old fashioned greed seems to be the cause of it. The God of Money, or Money as their God, seems to be the one that put them up to it. But that is what they get when they worship money, and it comes back to bite them later. Of course crime pays if their managers can make it to the Cayman Islands and stash cash in Swiss Bank Accounts, etc. ;)

I am free now, to choose my own destiny.
     Is it all unraveling? What is next? - (bluke) - (6)
         Marx Dixit - (deSitter) - (2)
             We are entering the Brezhnev Era - (boxley) - (1)
                 Re: We are entering the Brezhnev Era - (deSitter)
         The New Economy... - (ChrisR) - (1)
             It's no wonder it looks the same - (tjsinclair)
         Simple, they got caught - (orion)

It's like an alien game of "keep-away."
39 ms