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New Great Fark comment
"They take your sorting machines and overtime, you take their campaign manager."

USPS is hardcore.
New Don't forget they took SDNY's prosecutor too. Their axe should be pretty sharp by now.
New To wit: cringe at the fact that We ain't seen Nuthin, yet: of what's coming, ^exponentially^.
     MAGA = More Are Getting Arrested - (lincoln) - (5)
         Great Fark comment - (crazy) - (2)
             Don't forget they took SDNY's prosecutor too. Their axe should be pretty sharp by now. -NT - (scoenye) - (1)
                 To wit: cringe at the fact that We ain't seen Nuthin, yet: of what's coming, ^exponentially^. -NT - (Ashton)
         Link borken - has an extra 'm' at the end -NT - (scoenye)
         There's still an extra 'm' at the end - (scoenye)

Oh, we're on?
54 ms