taking the old one out, I have the old install instruction set, removed inside lower unit disconnected all wires, removed all mounting bolts, damn thing wouldn't move. Checked a bunch of youtub vids, supposedly it is loose once the bolts are out. However neoprene gaskets torqued to 50ftlb after 30 years weld to the roof. Used a scraper and a hammer to loosen the gasket a little. Cut a 4x4 to an appropriate length and took a car floor jack mounted on another 4x4 to spread the pressure points, centered the upright 4x4 to the upper unit then slowly raised the jack while cutting gasket as I went. Upper unit is loose now but left in place as I foresee a major scraping job before I place the new one down. Fun part was hoisting the new unit 77lbs to the roof of the RV. Even in my 40's I would have tucked it under my arms and climbed a ladder but those days are long gone. Good thing I am crafty.