If'n you Don't Pay (time, energy, Action) To Play [Democracy] ... within today's universal Language-Murder enviro:
You Are a Fascist--not in name-only but in direct ---> Consequences {oblig: Asshole!}

That THIS-all SHALL STILL be a squeaker (even just Getting a real Election) is all the proof
ever needed, of just how long the dis-US has been a regressively-failing 'State'.
I'll be long-dead before: Drumpfism has been atoned to a degree that a traveling 'American'
--will be welcomed in any but Authoritarian States. (Presuming that Climate ∆ actually IS/WAS!
accomplished before the irreversible, Terminal Tipping Point occurred.

Prediction: should we FAIL that last: 'Americans' wherever found shall be, individually and collectively:
regulalry targeted with-extreme-prejudice (certain ones, even locally) == We Know Who You voted for.
(Not much schadenfreude gaiety shall occur, given the Last-failure. Ever. -- ya don't even get That !!)

Fingers Crossed.