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New I could speak for my father.
My paternal grandfather started getting vague a few years ago. About 18 months ago it was obvious he was developing Alzhiemer's.

He got moved into a Dementia ward in a local hostel about 9 months ago. Dad and his brother and sister generally organised it as my paternal grandmother was not real good at figuring it all out. She stayed in their house. Dad went to see him most days, but I found it terribly heartbreaking.

Grandfather got ill and needed hospital treatment about 8 weeks ago. They tried to stabilize him for moving into a nursing home, but his decline was steady. He passed away two weeks ago. It was not unexpected, really.


"Ah. One of the difficult questions."

New You have my sympathy.
I'm sorry to hear that. It seems there isn't much way to go gentle into that good night anymore.
     Anybody have to put their folks away yet? - (mmoffitt) - (7)
         I could speak for my father. - (static) - (1)
             You have my sympathy. - (mmoffitt)
         Do they know exactly what is wrong? - (orion)
         In progress, more or less... - (hnick) - (1)
             That's one thing I'm thankful for - (drewk)
         Grandmother had Alzheimer's - (wharris2)
         Was conservator - (Ashton)

This may also found a Chair at yer fav oyster bar and Chair-filling establishment.
33 ms