"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" ..did I Need? to 'splain a perfect example {sheesh}
Ya wanna do punctilious?--of Course You Do
Note: every comparo' is not about, "mine's Bigger"--as shouldn't need to be explained ..to the ept.
(Your vocabulary exceeds /order-of-magnitude, that of any 'Murican, mayhap equals? ..maybe ..the level of the lexicographically obsessed demographic).
Didja ever ..skim through the gigundo OED? [Oxford English Dictionary]--the one that comes with a magnifying glass, to get-All-into one volume.
To steal the {expected} punch-line of a local comic, 'I HAVE'.
Even including the logorrhea /extreme form of loquacity, of the far-Right-ful CIEIO of "Firing Line"--William F. Buckley Jr., renowned for his regular usage of arcanery..
[call it Ego. Id then?] I'd bet, in-a-trice a C-Note that I could find several words quite beyond anyone's 'eidetic' 'Recogntion vocabulary ..easy-peasy re the far smaller
Speaking-vocabulary. And I be a mere amateur amidst the obsessed.
tl;dr: [Hamlet]
There are more things Words in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your Philosophy, Horatio
Then go google, UNAPOTHEGMATIC MAN (all-caps not needed, but the single REF is) in the Original creation of a name you were acquainted with.
That is all.
Except (There's a short story by Somerset Maugham), "Mr. Knowall" ..a poignant tale of a one-like-that, some jewelry {former 'jewelery' in these parts}
..and a surprise evidence of the Humane, happening. :-)
Ed-PS: Ae you sure you meant decrying -vs- descrying? I mean: well, examine the difference--with a distinction--eh?
aka 'a comparison' does not connote nor rhetorically imply: causality-of-accusation, intended.
[Hamlet] {op. cit. recently referenced in these parts}
Polonius: What readst thou, Prince?
Hamlet: Words.. words..
Carrion ..sometimes it's not about edibles at all. ;^> sometimes it can be a circle-jerk of over-kill.