Also, Mr Flunked-third-grade-logic:
"Convicted racist" means that he is convicted, and that he is a racist. It doesn't say "convicted of racism", does it?
But, as it happens, he's convicted of... Oh, I can't be fucking bothered to look up shit for you -- that's what shitposters like you always rely on, that dotting all the is and crossing all the ts in disproving your bullshit is much more work than just spewing endless streams of it -- so I'll just guess it's something about how he ran that labour camp you Nazis pretended was an ordinary prison. Right? And you are going to pretend that the way he ran that had nothing whatsoever to do with racism, I take it? That black people don't get longer harder sentences for the same or lighter crimes than white people do? And that they weren't (as I'd guess the case most, utterly most, probably was) treated and exploited worse than white people? Are you really going to bald-facedly claim that?
No, of course you aren't. You're just going to pretend you never saw this; perhaps that you never wrote what I'm replying to. (A week-long "DNS outage", maybe?)
Because what you sure as shit aren't going to do is reply the only way a decent person could reply: By apologizing for constantly spewing this kind of utter dreck, admitting that yes, this clearly shows that Trump is about as disgusting a pile of shit as you and Arpaio, and that your dancing around the "crime of racism" was just total BS.
Don't you ever tire of being such a horrible excuse for a human being; do you never feel even the slightest urge to start behaving as if you actually had any sense of morality and ethics in stead of the way you are? Just wondering.
"Convicted racist" means that he is convicted, and that he is a racist. It doesn't say "convicted of racism", does it?
But, as it happens, he's convicted of... Oh, I can't be fucking bothered to look up shit for you -- that's what shitposters like you always rely on, that dotting all the is and crossing all the ts in disproving your bullshit is much more work than just spewing endless streams of it -- so I'll just guess it's something about how he ran that labour camp you Nazis pretended was an ordinary prison. Right? And you are going to pretend that the way he ran that had nothing whatsoever to do with racism, I take it? That black people don't get longer harder sentences for the same or lighter crimes than white people do? And that they weren't (as I'd guess the case most, utterly most, probably was) treated and exploited worse than white people? Are you really going to bald-facedly claim that?
No, of course you aren't. You're just going to pretend you never saw this; perhaps that you never wrote what I'm replying to. (A week-long "DNS outage", maybe?)
Because what you sure as shit aren't going to do is reply the only way a decent person could reply: By apologizing for constantly spewing this kind of utter dreck, admitting that yes, this clearly shows that Trump is about as disgusting a pile of shit as you and Arpaio, and that your dancing around the "crime of racism" was just total BS.
Don't you ever tire of being such a horrible excuse for a human being; do you never feel even the slightest urge to start behaving as if you actually had any sense of morality and ethics in stead of the way you are? Just wondering.