Awoke with.. a long-ago such, buzzing in jelloware. Was an AD, heard in yout--from (what today has devolved to the Usurious-$$-Interest-rates of the 'Payday' empire)
/or whatever sharks, something called: 'HFC' aka Household Finance CORPORATION.

"Never borrow money needlessly--just when You Must"
then something-something, "..from Folks You Trust"
"Borrow confidently [!] from H. F. C."

See what they did there? ... (and the Raison d'Etre of every fucking Jingle since..)
Language Murder writ sotto voce tryin'/and succeedin' in hooking 'confidence'--the very-Root! of Con-Man! --> warm-fuzzies: Lurve Our CORP--however dedicated to recurrently fuck-over your any next..Chance? get outta the hole WE dug 'just for You'.

Thus have I Hated every-such of this cacophony of ethics-free greed. And yes too: the Losers unarguably have a er, duty-to-delve? thus to See; the scam. Yet some %high--even of the diligent--are bereft regularly of any income whatsoever, barely to survive: because of [all the National Shit currently under electron-microscopes].

Jingles are merely--set-in-Song, yet!--a mondo litmus for the n-Other pieces of bogus-bafflegab, now being granularly spotlighted. (I suppose 'twas the catchy-tune McGuffin which made this bit of doggerel claim some unErasable memory of that trivial event).

Carrion've been basted in it since tykehood--every One of younses. If we gets rillly Lucky: COVID shall maintain-in-Consciousness of many: these Lessons-listicle of what remains the FUBAR-element within the [Still-] dis-US:
Zuckerberg + Trump*; the pair may be: all it Takes. In the Nation of the Blind--the one-eyed is King.
(I no idea how that goes: if there's no One-eyed left?)

* The Apparition of the execrable Roy Cohn ... hanging over Both: thus over All.
[There's a connection to both these Menaces and that Monster-Lawyer--but that's another tale]
We might shorten a meme here: from dis-US to ..a more positive encapsulation: PLUS, Post-Ludicrous-US?
(Can't go around feeling glum just because of a little word like 'extinction', right?)