The one sure thing about economic downturns, "survival of the fittest" rules the day.
Top execs seek bright spots in the downturn]
By Heather Harreld
August 8, 2001 11:52 am PT
MORE THAN HALF of the top executives at Fortune 1000 companies believe that eliminating poor business models is the "silver lining of the economic slowdown," according to a study released Wednesday by technology consultant Accenture.
The study surveyed 150 C-level executives in June to gauge their outlook on the economic slowdown and their level of satisfaction with recent technology investments. More than half reported that eliminating poor business models is the bright spot of the current bleak economic climate. Thirty-nine percent of the executives believe the inability to get new capital is the most negative impact of the slowdown.
"The byproduct will be more highly educated C-level [executives] ... regarding new technologies, particularly the Internet," Rich said. "They will focus on using the Internet to eliminate inefficiencies. When they talk about poor business models, they mean moving toward a virtual enterprise."
Executives believe the "next big wave or killer application for the business world" will be CRM technologies, mobile and wireless applications, and SCM technologies.