On /npr [w.t.f...Else?]
At every juncture (of item-comparos) the theme always devolves to ... Cui Bono of course--Who Profits?
The Base-baseness of any assholery as decides that:
Your Health ™ should be in the hands of Profit-Making mIni- or maxi- Corporate Suits, each competing--not for Maximun-satisfiction of 'clients'
but [not 'mainly'--but only] just the Ronnie-defined-Greed, as omnipresent as polluted-air.
What To Do: This took an hour, not because of verbosity but: to lay-out the Ocean of matters between..
Any Idea of 'Excellent Medicine?' -vs- all those easily-imagined roles for legions of Ten-Percenters? Twenty-
Percenters just-like Lobbyists or maggots attending an aging carcass.
Overall though, the thesis of this matched-pair of speakers is: that COVID Has Succeeded in forcing a true necropsy on the corpse of the massively-overpriced /under-performing ∑-dis-US-"medicine" mirage.
That is (they prophesy) there ought-to-be ..and very likely Will be: a much redone, efficent Phone-in method rolled out--vetted via the COVID experience(s) as catalyzed this necropsy.
Methinks it's worth the hour to get an early handle on the aspects inviolved, as the outcome WILL affect everybody who next 'feels sick' and may get..
al punte directions SANS the $$Overhead of the avg. Med office and--for many--the huge machinations-when-poor ..even to get to (and into!) such a place.
Add-to-Listicle of Broken Dreamsicles of the fantassy-world (?) U.S.A. Numbah ONE!
(Ackshully, in that numbers argot: "Number 2" ..is the usual euphemism for the dis-US du jour, innit?)
Freakonomics Radio
Telehealth Revolution
Freakonomics Radio takes a look at a healthcare revolution driven largely, in recent months, by COVID-19: telehealth. Stephen Dubner speaks with two doctors and an economist about whether virtual doctor visits will become part of mainstream medicine once the pandemic is over.
At every juncture (of item-comparos) the theme always devolves to ... Cui Bono of course--Who Profits?
The Base-baseness of any assholery as decides that:
Your Health ™ should be in the hands of Profit-Making mIni- or maxi- Corporate Suits, each competing--not for Maximun-satisfiction of 'clients'
but [not 'mainly'--but only] just the Ronnie-defined-Greed, as omnipresent as polluted-air.
What To Do: This took an hour, not because of verbosity but: to lay-out the Ocean of matters between..
Any Idea of 'Excellent Medicine?' -vs- all those easily-imagined roles for legions of Ten-Percenters? Twenty-
Percenters just-like Lobbyists or maggots attending an aging carcass.
Overall though, the thesis of this matched-pair of speakers is: that COVID Has Succeeded in forcing a true necropsy on the corpse of the massively-overpriced /under-performing ∑-dis-US-"medicine" mirage.
That is (they prophesy) there ought-to-be ..and very likely Will be: a much redone, efficent Phone-in method rolled out--vetted via the COVID experience(s) as catalyzed this necropsy.
Methinks it's worth the hour to get an early handle on the aspects inviolved, as the outcome WILL affect everybody who next 'feels sick' and may get..
al punte directions SANS the $$Overhead of the avg. Med office and--for many--the huge machinations-when-poor ..even to get to (and into!) such a place.
Add-to-Listicle of Broken Dreamsicles of the fantassy-world (?) U.S.A. Numbah ONE!
(Ackshully, in that numbers argot: "Number 2" ..is the usual euphemism for the dis-US du jour, innit?)