Honda e Urban EV 1st Look with Hidden Easter Eggs

Haven't more than scanned the blurb, but noted further evidence that Koan-666 applies:
The best laid plans of mice and men afoul of the dread [n!] terminator ..of all guesses.

That is: this sucker nas [n+1] cameras, arrayed 360º/3-D, in places you'd never 'suppose', plus (apparently.. AI presumably used properly) not-in Life/Death 'decisions'--but that's a w.a.g. Friend asserts that they are also gestating a less over-the-Top version to sell ~ low-$20K range) ...

Shan't lust over either model, may settle for a proffered Subaru (while: the more I learn of their strange Engine-periodically Eats OIl screw-up, their vastly overpriced periodic 'services'--oft replacing fluids already replaced well before sell-date), etc. Thence the more I deem a pox on their House; they've become Corporate in worst sense: using over-charged $$service-income to replace engines of bad-design, then pretend, ~'it's a gift to You'.
tl;dr: Subaru's fan-bois&gals appear not unlike the Menace's groupies--most of such being pretty unaware of how engines, cars actually 'work;'.
Now that's real-'Murican style.

OK maybe a v.-old Tesla, replacing-self the aged batteries at my leisure--as those prices necessarily decline.
Recreation too! Can oscilloscope the guts-in-action, for dessert. 'Lectric motors, so very-much simpler /more reliable than petroleum's thermodynamic-awfulness, at any price..

Vroo .... oom.