…an unexpected return in my investments in California lottery futures, Big Cheese here will be my last desktop machine until…forever? It is topped out at “High Sierra,” but its many bells and whistles, including what is (by today’s standards) a shitload of RAM, multiple SSDs and, critically, the inexplicably untethered* version of Mudbrick’s “Fetid Fog” suite of graphic applications, will keep this my production machine for years.

It my be that the supported browsers on this platform will ultimately become too superannuated for acceptable functionality, at which point I will probably consider springing for an “Apple silicon” notebook.


*If I offset the US $50 monthly fee for Mudbrick’s subscription against what I laid out for Big Cheese, and add in the cost of the SSDs and cards installed after purchase, the machine has pretty much paid for itself. I still wonder why I’m using these graphic apps on Mudbrick’s dime (in one plausible scenario I could find myself cut off at any time), but let’s not borrow trouble.