Toni Morrison: the Pieces I Am
Just a tip: this PBS-gem can provide several-books-worth (+ n-videos since): of just how incisive this Historian-Storyteller has been, to millions.

Could not be more- apropos to these very isolated-doldrums, when the games aren't enough to keep the neurons Happy and, actively-despising All Things-GOP
... makes few endorphins any more.

"She's the English-language approximation of, The Emancipation Proclamation!", sayeth one commenter within the above.
That is all.
Except: if you miss(ed) this 2 hrs. you missed a moving/tear-filled explanation of, (one of many), Who She Is:
"Finally ... we can walk Upright ... FINALLY: ... as Human Beings".
(Not unlike? ..what The Bard accomplished. With just Words. Too.) And, she's still Alive, to boot :-)