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New Let me tell you about a fire
This is not my fire. This is M's fire. She gave me permission to post it.

She wakes up to the sound of someone screaming. It's 2:00 a.m. . She's had 2 hours of sleep after a double shift. She has a bedroom with a sliding glass door outside. There is a shed. The shed contains lawn mower, tools and other things that have fuel. It is on fire.

She has a bunch of people here. She has her daughters. She has her niece and the niece's husband Clayton and their children. Clayton is running around screaming that the shed is on fire and the smoke detectors had woken them up. The shed is very close to the house.

Clayton goes out with a hose to try to put out the fire and they call 911. The fire truck shows up. They see Clayton. And they do nothing.

Clayton is black. This is Northeast Philadelphia, a white neighborhood, or so they want to keep it that way. The fireman will not put out the fire.

It is active. Clayton is really fighting it with a hose.

M keeps calling 911. Over the the next 5 minutes multiple fire trucks show up and refuse to do anything. Let that s*** burn. Let it get to the house 10 ft away.

Clayton keeps fighting the fire with the hose while four trucks are sitting in the street with dozens of firemen who refuse to do anything. The fire marshal shows up. It's 2:00 a.m. in the morning, obviously the 911 operators are annoyed and they woke up the fire marshal.

The fire marshal assesses the situation and attempts to get his people to actually get to work. They refuse. They have discussions for about 10 minutes. The fire in the shed hits the fuel and blows up. All hell breaks loose.

The firemen decide that the blowing up shed is actually an issue and put it out. It might hit a neighbor's house.

Afterwards the fire marshall told M the reason she had a fire was: and then he pointed to Clayton.

M filed a complaint. She went down to center city and filed a complaint. 2 years later she had a single meeting with a single individual who then blocked the complaint. It never went anywhere else.

M never internalized racism before. She had the underpinnings of her society which she would then fight against, because it was the right thing to do, but she never felt it. This was a wake up moment. They are happy to kill you. Happy. It's not a decision that they have to weigh, simply happy.

You know they're still burning black people out in Northeast Philadelphia, right?
New And let's not forget ... someone set that fire

New 5-year statute of limitations for arson in PA
Not that they ever attempted to find out who did it.
New Disgusting ... {Any. Where. or Time.}
Especially so, as: your chops re BS aka Lying, are stellar (on the Fucked-O-Meter) as must consquently apply to M.

IME experience, this ONE true-example of the depth-of-perversion, so evidently across the entire disUS, as we speak: is quite as revealing as [fill in most Other Outrageous personal-knowledge of similar ilk]. It seems that this Tipping-Point via COVID has given to 100% within the vox-pop: for many, say: the fIrst overall Assessment of the place where they have dwelt since sentience happned to each.

That there are a thousand other, expressible Evils on that long personal Listicle (which all have acquired within this period) ... only makes the ranking of Scale/Relativity: even harder. (Were this some Scandinavian Duchy(?) with its own list of ongoing Evilness extant), just THIS example would ripple-through [all the 'Sadistic Media/transistorized' meeja--like a firestorm], and this fire-storm-story melds with thousands of other examples worthy of addressing some. how. But We are within the dis-United States of 'Murica.

And all know by now that, following hypocrisy, ignorance of history, the obsessions with Gunz, Nastiness and Spoiling-for-a-Fight ... and of most machinations of our 'governance': we are amidst uncountable tribes of [words fail: nincompoops will serve]. Unimportant, though it would be interesting to know: the ~date of this event--for completeness. How does a one/thence many: fix This??

That no Answer to that comes-to-mind: just may be the dilemma of Homo-Sappiness Worldwide, at its absolute-worst. Whether Religio?- or via Pol-speak Demagoguery?: it is simply truthiness that, a sufficiently-Evil status-quo can /WIll? push-out any 'democratic'-Ideals ... as once were there ... "If We Could Keep It" there.

tl;dr: so long as DJT Et Alia remain un-extirpated from their sinecures: we remain just-like, "The Pit and the Pendulum",
Mr. Poe's take on the problems du His jour. That is Our Dilemma. aka SHIT!!

Closer? just what Are? 'The Odds' of an Election /not""election"" occurring: with a sufficent %Registered:
ever having a chance at their vote being correctly counted? (start in Georgia)...
     Let me tell you about a fire - (crazy) - (3)
         And let's not forget ... someone set that fire -NT - (drook) - (1)
             5-year statute of limitations for arson in PA - (crazy)
         Disgusting ... {Any. Where. or Time.} - (Ashton)

I don't know about you, but that's the lifestyle I'm striving for.
65 ms