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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Rejoice! UN-petroleated-Nature: brings New clean-Air, WIldflowers and {Hope}
..when you throw-in Gorsuch (+ his CIEIO Supreme), DACA ..and a few other surprises.

But we Can cherish the improbable-Present, Right?
(Mayhap 'ol Newt G (Contract ON America infamy) will suffer a brain-self-repair and do the Honourable Thing (in a non-messy way), 'Course).

tl;dr ..a Brief Carrion-free Holiday?
Benign-LRPD echoes.. ...
Shown here is a tranquil scene in the north woods. A beaver has just completed its dam, two black bears forage for food, a swallow-tailed butterfly flutters in the foreground, a loon swims quietly by, and a kingfisher searches for a tasty fish.
Collapse Edited by Ashton June 18, 2020, 02:50:22 PM EDT
Rejoice! UN-petroleated-Nature: brings New clean-Air, WIldflowers and {Hope}
..when you throw-in Gorsuch (+ his CIEIO Supreme), DACA ..and a few other surprises.

But we Can cherish the improbable-Present, Right?
(Mayhap 'ol Newt G (Contract ON America infamy) will suffer a brain-self-repair and do the Honourable Thing (in a non-messy way), 'Course).

tl;dr ..a Brief Carrion-free Holiday?
     Rejoice! UN-petroleated-Nature: brings New clean-Air, WIldflowers and {Hope} - (Ashton)

My other car is a Matchbox.
48 ms