Siva, sitting on His lotus-leaf, appearing before The Prince [The 'Gita] and demonstrating his Actuality, ergo limitless-Power:
[Changes-form, evidencing Reality--barely ever-glimpsed by any homo-sap--even in its lesser-forms]
(too scary for simple-moi ever to 'describe') and done so as to Educate the young Prince, he intones nay, Roars:

Look! I Am Become Death, The Destroyer of Worlds

Versus: Look! I am a Stable Genius! [ I Come to hold-your-coat while You and Him fight--leave your wallet in the pocket. ]

Pick One--ya can't have both. (Matter and anti-Matter, again?)

PS: this ¶ -- just peeped The Producers, recently: says it to a Fare-thee-Well.

After Trump’s disinfectant comments, Beppe Severgnini, a columnist for Italy’s Corriere della Sera, said in a TV interview: “Trying to get into Donald Trump’s head is more difficult than finding a vaccine for coronavirus. First he decided on a lockdown and then he encouraged protests against the lockdown that he promoted. It’s like a Mel Brooks film”.