And if you went to your hardware store to pick up something for a home improvement project because you were bored then you are moron too.
This is a Kimmel video.
At 11:24 is shows a chart of what areas were paying attention to the science and social distancing and which areas were just ignoring it.
It has a cutoff date of March 26th. We all knew about the danger on March 26th. Anyone who claims otherwise is selling you something or is a moron.
Are you in one of the red zones? Then you are surrounded by morons and possibly you're a moron.
This is a Kimmel video.
At 11:24 is shows a chart of what areas were paying attention to the science and social distancing and which areas were just ignoring it.
It has a cutoff date of March 26th. We all knew about the danger on March 26th. Anyone who claims otherwise is selling you something or is a moron.
Are you in one of the red zones? Then you are surrounded by morons and possibly you're a moron.