Post #433,148
3/25/20 3:54:13 PM
3/25/20 3:54:13 PM

Still can't see how Norman / "Orion" was that much worse than some people who are still around.
He may have been crazy as a bat, but his flaky editing was, AFAICS, in principle no worse than the IMO (at least) equally despicable habit of shitposting the same tinfoil-hatted bullshit over and over, ignoring all counterarguments, and then just rinse-lather-and-repeat that some regulars here, for some inscrutable reason, do get away with.
It still slightly annoys me, BTW, that our local Powers That Be haven't deigned to explain where, when, how, by whom,and in how sandy or watery a material this line is drawn that in some cases apparently clearly delineates the limits of acceptable behaviour, but in others, by some magic, equally apparently does no such thing.
P.S: "Must not be named"? Phbhbhbhttt!
Christian R. Conrad The Man Who (used to think he) Knows Fucking EverythingMail: Same username as at the top left of this post, at
Post #433,165
3/25/20 8:31:55 PM
3/25/20 8:31:55 PM

Perhaps he was just a bit more relentless.
He was certainly able to push a few people's buttons, whether he really knew quite how he did that or not.
Post #433,168
3/25/20 9:27:04 PM
3/25/20 9:27:04 PM

Post #433,172
3/25/20 9:54:02 PM
3/25/20 9:54:02 PM

Oh yeah. Those, too.
Post #433,223
3/28/20 3:34:59 AM
3/28/20 3:40:22 AM

Recalling his debut shenanigans-
His McGuffin was: that some tribe of 'Apple afficionados' was (stalking? threatening bodily harm?) There was a torrent of specious reports of their machinations [as in 'Jeez ..the Apple Assassination Associates??'] Two words stand out--as appeared often in his pot-boiler prose: delving and *strife (a bit of a self-characterization in the latter?)
But not much still sticks in NV-ram re later detailed sequences. There is this, though: quite unwittingly, did not his derangement do us-all a Service? I mean.. for our having experienced this dress-rehearsal, weren't we better prepared than most: to discern immediately the 'nature' of the Menace-in-Chief? enabling selves not to be Gobsmacked! as the early signs of simple-incompetence worsened into premeditated cruelty, multifarious evils--yet uncatalogued--as render this poor bastard's tics ..almost endearing, now? [early Camel™ ciggy ad]: Experience is the Best Teacher.
* Does not the Menace need strife more than oxygen? Still, our schadenfreude can be sated! NOBODY could Love this motherfucker--those who do Kabuki 'fealty', so abjectly pretending. ie Vive l'Difference!

Edited by Ashton
March 28, 2020, 03:40:22 AM EDT
Post #433,175
3/25/20 10:54:03 PM
3/25/20 10:54:03 PM

Re: "Must not be named"
Are you familiar with what a narcissistic personality is? Everything in the world is about them. They need attention in the worst way. Even critical comments are preferred to no attention.
Anyway, not mentioning the name is a way to deny that attention.
Trump is an example of a person that has that personality.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #433,220
3/27/20 10:25:37 PM
3/27/20 10:25:37 PM

correct me if I’m wrong
…but I don’t think he was ever actually expelled: he was certainly made to feel unwelcome (I like to think I was no slouch in that department, and unless my memory plays me false, you as well, CRC, were known now and again to venture a gentle reproach), and he never found his way back here after the years of IWT in server exile. We don’t name him lest he take this as a summons and reappear to remind you of what a blight he was. Of course, that might rouse in you something like the incandescent eloquence for which, before age and fatherhood apparently banked those fires, you were justly celebrated and feared in these precincts, but I’m inclined to think that most of us here would regretfully decline to make that bargain.
As to the drive-by shitposter, yeah, he can be exasperating, but every now and then he posts something sane and coherent, which is more than the other guy ever did.
Post #433,265
3/30/20 6:03:48 PM
3/30/20 6:03:48 PM

Wasn't there also an online stalking component?
ISTR, and I may be completely wrong, but didn't he started popping up on other fora where people used the same handle when he couldn't win the argument here?
Post #433,274
3/30/20 10:29:16 PM
3/30/20 10:29:16 PM

Re: Wasn't there also an online stalking component?
I don’t know about that, but in a comment thread at, I think, “Psychology Today” he named me as a “marijuana addict” some years back. As an old chum likes to say, “You’re only young once, but you can be immature your whole life.” Whatever is supposed to happen in the cerebral cortex by age twenty-five, the finishing-up, somehow never got done in his case. Maybe the work order was lost.
Post #433,277
3/31/20 12:05:58 AM
3/31/20 12:05:58 AM

That's why he must not be named
He clearly had Google alerts set for multiple handles and would show up all over the place.
Post #433,278
3/31/20 12:17:46 AM
3/31/20 12:17:46 AM

Made me look...
Post #433,282
3/31/20 8:00:40 AM
3/31/20 8:00:40 AM

You ba****rd
That's a rabbit hole I did not need.
Post #433,286
3/31/20 10:21:08 AM
3/31/20 10:21:08 AM

Sorry. :-)
Post #433,287
3/31/20 12:00:27 PM
3/31/20 12:00:27 PM

wonder whose picture he is using, that aint him
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #433,288
3/31/20 12:08:36 PM
3/31/20 12:08:36 PM

That was snark, right?
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #433,290
3/31/20 12:16:29 PM
3/31/20 12:16:29 PM

uh, no. I have actually met the person in question
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #433,294
3/31/20 3:37:46 PM
3/31/20 3:37:46 PM

You've met Snowden?
bcnu, Mikem
It's mourning in America again.
Post #433,295
3/31/20 5:32:47 PM
3/31/20 5:32:47 PM

is that who that is? thought it looked like admin
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
Post #433,298
3/31/20 8:56:38 PM
3/31/20 8:56:38 PM

He once said he weighed 263 pound, so I agree.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
-- Isaac Asimov
Post #433,302
4/1/20 4:22:20 AM
4/1/20 4:22:20 AM

Jeez, CRC ... it's been a.. l o n g slog from the accretion-disk of [Sandy Reed's integrity-implosion-via-'NT'] as catalyzed a motley-band of Irascibles, over her Bizness-ethics writ large; I mean, early on 'we' had that young-Tech do the seppuku-thing (no friends to save him, in whatever basement?) now you want to rip-off someone else's epaulets--while within a health-holocaust as could catalyze enough RWNJ-BS to: actually further delay the facing of --> Teh Climate Death [on a small G-star planet whose major-species remains: dumb as posts] C'mon .. at least Try-for a bit of Scale & Relativity, eh? Obsession or brain-fart, then?
Was curious --within this indictment of 'Twitter'--as Home for jillions of kids-in-Mom's-basement, in full stream-of-unconsciousness--Talking-to-Self: just. how. long. his mono-auto-dialogue has been droning-on?
April 1, 2013 [Yes, That 'day'] Seven Fucking Years exactamente... as the scroll-wheel spins endlessly to Get There: this unbroken mental masturbation, signifying-Nothing [and, en passant, with tiny-handful of any-other-Name than his, might momentarily suggest a reader?/listener? .. cohort!??] Pitiful.. In all likelihood: those few entries are just another creation of his own (as at IWE). It seems that he Must chatter, so as to further the illusion that, "I Am-too! conscious!!". (Delusional about 'delusion')
And you'd compare this basket-case with 1 (?) --> n here in LRPD-space?
..think I'd better grab the Bhagavad-Gita, re-read where the Prince, in company-on-horseback with Siva(!) in-mufti ... then, as the young man 's comprehension seems to have wavered: suddenly he Reveals-Self {in all indescribable Mega-Lumens}, and as: The Warrior [beloved-of J. R. Oppenheimer/Oppie ..for a more recent acolyte] As. He. ROARS:
Look! I Am Become DEATH ... the Destroyer of Worlds