I mean: when the Level-of-National-'maturity' is an ongoing --->
ƒ[CHAOS + National-fecklessness + the ∭ (massively focussed Anger+Virus??? + transistorized Anti-truthiness == Agit-Prop-writ-LARGE)]
(and that's just off-the-top) ...
Isn't it ABOUT. TIME. to GET ---> those Financial Records of The Menace: spotlighted at ~10K lumens ???
Ergo: all next ploys MUST aim towards enbarrassment.. intro of every 'topic' which causes DJT to go into 24/7 Worry About His 'Status',
about all the lies/machinations he tries to keep-sub-rosa; about his continuing-??? Total Unconditional Adoration -vs- any of the thousands
of his past deeds, Worst-of-Lies, shitty juvenile disses of regular people-not All-White, etc.
The more of the above as SHAMES the mofo, causes him to *Stew-24/7, make extravagant assertion of wonderfulness:
..the sooner that coronary via his Fat+Sugar+Salt diet + dope addiction ... just might make all the above moot?
* Remember: that send-up at the Dinner wherein Obama humiliated the sucker: was the Proximate Exact-cause: of every of his initial + ongoing
--> attempts to extinguish every 'Act' of BHO. And still is the case. He Cannot let-go of ANY DISS!
and that stirring of his jelloware 24/7 by any mere 'diss' is his Achilles' Heel. No ?
It IS A WAR: via all means fair/foul/Innovative: to accomplish that self-destruction so richly deserved.
Innit? ALL+EVERYTHING on The Planet merits? nay, DEMANDS: DITTO re ALL MEANS as have the best chance to further-his-Derangement.
I wot. But w.t.f. do I know? ..FERSHURE... :-/
ƒ[CHAOS + National-fecklessness + the ∭ (massively focussed Anger+Virus??? + transistorized Anti-truthiness == Agit-Prop-writ-LARGE)]
(and that's just off-the-top) ...
Isn't it ABOUT. TIME. to GET ---> those Financial Records of The Menace: spotlighted at ~10K lumens ???
Ergo: all next ploys MUST aim towards enbarrassment.. intro of every 'topic' which causes DJT to go into 24/7 Worry About His 'Status',
about all the lies/machinations he tries to keep-sub-rosa; about his continuing-??? Total Unconditional Adoration -vs- any of the thousands
of his past deeds, Worst-of-Lies, shitty juvenile disses of regular people-not All-White, etc.
The more of the above as SHAMES the mofo, causes him to *Stew-24/7, make extravagant assertion of wonderfulness:
..the sooner that coronary via his Fat+Sugar+Salt diet + dope addiction ... just might make all the above moot?
* Remember: that send-up at the Dinner wherein Obama humiliated the sucker: was the Proximate Exact-cause: of every of his initial + ongoing
--> attempts to extinguish every 'Act' of BHO. And still is the case. He Cannot let-go of ANY DISS!
and that stirring of his jelloware 24/7 by any mere 'diss' is his Achilles' Heel. No ?
It IS A WAR: via all means fair/foul/Innovative: to accomplish that self-destruction so richly deserved.
Innit? ALL+EVERYTHING on The Planet merits? nay, DEMANDS: DITTO re ALL MEANS as have the best chance to further-his-Derangement.
I wot. But w.t.f. do I know? ..FERSHURE... :-/